le anam_design.

We create concepts and colour strategies to elevate the brand vision and the human experience.


Contagious passion.

With a sense of wonder and curiosity, we love to connect with brands to understand their values and their purpose. 



Concept workshop.

Together we can surface the exciting stuff, trends and insights to inspire and imagine meaningful concepts and stories that authenticate the vision for a better future.


Ignite creativity.

Creating a vision with a concept narrative and colour strategy that excites with renewed energy.


Colleen Sandieson.

Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Colleen is the creative mind behind le anam.

Possessing the unique ability to operate in both the illustrious industry of fashion and the performance-oriented world of sportswear, she is renowned for her affinity to minimal design, vision of concepts, sensibility for colour, and curation of texture and pattern.

Drawing inspiration from human nature and the ever-evolving world we live in. Colleen is excited to share this chapter with you and her process to curate concepts for living spaces and brands, rooted in the human-centric need for wellbeing, planet positivity, diversity, inclusivity and JOY!

My Story.

After years of dedication working in the fashion industry as an executive creative leader in design, a career I loved with a passion, I was presented the gift of time, to step off the corporate treadmill, to slow down and embrace my life and be.  I remember distinctly, at that moment, I was filled with fear.  My career had been my life, my friendships, the security I needed to take care of my girls and I loved it!


Fast forward, I allowed myself three days exactly to feel the pain and then it was time to move on and feel excited about the next chapter of my journey.  I had a plan and a sense of peace that this was meant to be.


I remembered something my dear friend and life coach Adriana Caliri once asked me, before this all happened.  She asked me, how I thought I would feel if I took my life back and were to start a new personal chapter.  There was no doubt, it was crystal clear, I visualised the emotion of feeling free and joy!


This at once, gave me the courage to believe in the beauty of the gift.  I have embraced every moment to wonder, be curious and feel the lightness that brings me joy.  I am consciously aware my desire to create runs deep and I have realised that I keep coming back to a few common themes that connect me to my values, feed my soul and inspire my life and design aesthetic.


I would love to share my world with you, taking you on a journey that is unwritten and slowly unfolding.  It starts with a compilation of images, artists, places, people and nature that inspire me on many levels. The intention is for you to see and feel the things that are important to me and perhaps they can inspire you in some way.  And perhaps they can encourage you to slow down and take a moment to embrace your joy in all its forms.